
Pirate EnglandXReader-part 3

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XxShadowstorm18xX's avatar

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Excited, you eagerly open the door and rush into the Captain's quarters.
A familiar woman in her mid-thirties stood up instantly upon seeing you. She rushed forward and the both of you collided in a hug.
"I be so glad you survived the slaying of the Black Dahlia!" she admitted as she hugged you tightly before releasing you.
"And I be the same, Captain Elsi!" you replied, relieved to see your old captain and close friend alive and well.
"I take it you two know each other then?" questioned Captain Kirkland.
"Know each other? Why, _____ here was an extraordinary member of the Black Dahlia! A captain such as I could never have found anyone better than her in loyalty, bravery, and friendship!" replied Captain Elsi.
You felt a little uncomfortable from all the praise and a little embarrassed that Captain Kirkland was there to hear it.
"Then I guess I be lucky to have her aboard me ship, huh?" pointed out Captain Kirkland.
"Darn right, you can consider yourself lucky!" agreed Captain Elsi.
"So what brings you aboard the Bloody Nightmare, Captain Elsi?" you ask, curious.
"Well, after my beautiful Black Dahlia be sent to her watery grave and I had reached the surface, I needed a way out of the water. I be a strong swimmer, but even I couldn't swim the entire sea to reach land. Lucky for me, I managed to grab onto a rope attached to this ship as it sailed by," explained Captain Elsi.
"Wait, you be holding onto that rope for three days?!" you gasped in disbelief.
"You bet your ale, I did! I kept hunger at bay by opening my mouth underwater and letting them fish swim in. Those fish be mighty tasty!" answered Captain Elsi proudly.
"______, I would hate to interrupt this reunion of yours, but did you bring what I asked?" asked Captain Kirkland, his voice now carrying a more serious note.
"Um, yeah! Of course!" You stepped towards him and handed him the small, but heavy box.
As Captain Kirkland pulled out a key from a drawer in his desk, you felt your curiosity building as to what the box contained.
"Um, Captain Kirkland? May I ask what be in there?" you asked.
"Why don't you come look and find out?" he replied, a grin playing at the edges of his lips.
Out of curiosity, you and Captain Elsi moved to peer over his shoulder as he unlocked the box and carefully lifted the lid. Inside, you discovered all sizes of aged parchment covered with writing and sketches. You soon realized there were quite a few maps inside that box. There was some random stuff too like a pocket watch, a few different colored rocks, and a silver compass.
"I don't understand….what be all this stuff?" you ask, puzzled.
"I bet they be treasure maps!" blurted out Captain Elsi as she eyed up the maps like a starving coyote.
Knowing Captain Elsi, she was probably starving for adventure. She never was the type to ever sit still or be patient. Something exciting always had to be happening, or Captain Elsi grew restless and irritable. That was one of the things you shared in common: the need for adventure in your lives.
Captain Kirkland turned to face you two and a mischievous grin spread across his face while a knowing glint danced in his green eyes.
"These be no ordinary treasure maps….these maps all lead to one place. And this place contains the most valuable treasure of all," explained Captain Kirkland mysteriously.
"And what may be that treasure?" asked Captain Elsi excitedly.
"No one knows for sure," answers Captain Kirkland with a shrug.
"Be you planning to find this treasure?" you asked, excitement tingling up your spine.
This could be the adventure you had been waiting for! You could hardly stand still as your thoughts swirled inside your head about what your adventure may be like. Imagining booby-trapped temples and extraordinary battles with armies of undead sent your excitement to an even higher level. And at the end of your journey, you would be able to lay claim to this remarkable mystery treasure.
You were bombarded from your thoughts by Captain Elsi nudging you with her shoulder.
"Come on _____! Look alive!"
Captain Kirkland looked slowly from Captain Elsi to you. His gaze lingered on you a heartbeat too long before he looked away.
"As I be saying: I've heard all kinds of tales ever since I be a young lad about this extraordinary treasure that some pirates have claimed to hold magical capabilities! No pirate has managed to find this treasure to retrieve it and lived to tell the tale. So I shall be the first!" declared Captain Kirkland, his eyes glowing with determination.
Although you were curious to discover what this mysterious, magical treasure was, you were more excited at the prospect of going on a true adventure! Casting a glance over at Captain Elsi, you could tell she was eager to do both: see the treasure and experience an adventure.
"So when do we leave?" you ask, trying not to sound impatient, but failing.
"Right away, for we shall set sail for the elusive treasure, 'Alkinya's Light!'" answered Captain Kirkland as he left the room to announce his plans to the rest of his crew.
You and Captain Elsi soon follow and you watch as your new shipmates dart around the ship unfurling sails, adjusting ropes, and moving barrels. Looking over at Captain Elsi, she turns her head to stare back at you with her honey-yellow eyes.
"Looks like we'll finally get the adventure we've been waiting for," she pointed out with a smile.
You nodded and matched her smile with one of your own.
And with that, the Bloody Nightmare set sail for a faraway land deep in the middle of the sea…

It had nearly been a week now and there was still no signs of land in sight. You were beginning to doubt the truthfulness of those maps and were starting to believe you had been led astray by fake directions to a nonexistent treasure.
However, Captain Kirkland stubbornly continued following the maps' directions and steered the ship towards the west. He seemed to never lose faith in those maps and believed greatly in the mysterious 'Alkinya's Light.'
The name of the treasure itself was a puzzle for you. Why would it be named such a thing as 'Alkinya's Light'? Who was Alkinya and what was this light she possessed? The more time you spent thinking about it, the more questions than answers you received and you only succeeded in confusing yourself further.
Despite having your doubts, you continued helping your fellow crew members maintain the ship as she continued her voyage. Occasionally, you would feel a pair of eyes on you and now at dinnertime, Captain Kirkland requested you sit beside him. Honestly, you didn't mind. He was pretty handsome and something fluttered inside your chest, whenever he looked at you.
Being unfamiliar with these new feelings you were developing towards Captain Kirkland, you weren't sure what to do with them. You decided to ignore them until you understood them more clearly.

One night, you awoke to an obnoxious ruckus coming from above on the deck. After yawning and wiping the sleep from your eyes, you decided to investigate. Getting dressed was a complex task, especially since the ship kept rocking from side to side very steeply. You slipped and stumbled trying to escape the crew's quarters and reach the deck.
The second you flung the door open, a cold, wet wind slapped across your face. Your jacket was quickly picked up by the wind and you could feel it tugging on your shoulders as it flailed wildly in the wind.
Heavy rain pelted the deck and the dark forms of your shipmates as they rushed to various parts of the Bloody Nightmare.
Momentarily, lightning lit up the night sky as deafening thunder rattled the ship's boards right down to its core.
Spotting your familiar figure through the blinding rain below him, Captain Kirkland called your name.
You turned towards the sound of his voice and he quickly explained to you that this wicked storm had pounced on the Bloody Nightmare in the dead of night.
"Get back inside ______!" he called loudly, trying to be heard over the roar of the waves and the crackle of thunder.
"No! I can help the crew!" you argued defiantly.
There was no way you were going back to bed and letting your shipmates battle the storm by themselves. Besides, no one could sleep peacefully in this weather.
"_____, that wasn't a request! That be an order!" insisted Captain Kirkland warningly.
You pretended to not have heard him as you rushed over to where Alfred was wrestling with some ropes for the sails.
"_____! Thanks goodness you're here! We need to close the sails quickly or this merciless wind will tear them to pieces!" pointed out Alfred urgently.
Nodding, you grabbed one of the sturdy ropes and set to work fighting the winds to get the sails furled safely. Although it wasn't easy, you managed to save the sails before you secured their ropes.

Unbeknownst to you, Captain Kirkland was watching you intently. He had hoped you would go back to your cabin where he knew you would be safe from harm. Unfortunately, you stubbornly ignored his orders to help the rest of his crew. Although he was worrying about you with every other beat of his heart, he was grateful for your assistance. Relief washed over him, when you secured the sails. To his dismay, however, his worst fears came true, when a huge wave crashed over the ship.
The wave swept you off your feet and nearly carried you overboard as the Bloody Nightmare leaned dangerously to one side.
Captain Kirkland's heart lurched in his chest, when a second, stronger wave washed over the ship and scooped up several of his crew members, including you. He was suddenly oblivious to the storm as he watched you struggle to regain your footing on the slippery deck. All he could focus on was your (color) hair vanishing from view over the railing as you failed to overpower the wave's strength.
"Captain Elsi! Man the wheel!" he yelled before he jumped over the railing and dropped from the small balcony that contained the wheel to the deck.
Obediently, Captain Elsi raced over and took control of the wheel.
His heart racing, Captain Kirkland desperately hoped it wasn't too late as he slipped and slide over to the edge of the ship.
Yes, part 3 finally done! :phew: I feel like it's kind of dragging a little. Maybe because there's not enough Pirate EnglandXReader fluffyness yet? :? I'm adding much more of that in part 4. :D I hope you enjoy it! :meow:

**DISCLAIMER** I don't own you or Hetalia!

Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: :star: Here
Part 4: [link]
Part 5: [link]
Part 6:Coming soon....
Part 7:Coming soon....
© 2011 - 2024 XxShadowstorm18xX
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LizDIXVIII's avatar
oh interesting... im intrigued XD
damn cliffhanger!